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Big Storylines To Follow In Round 2 Of Stanley Cup

This year’s Stanley Cup Playoffs are shaping up to be the most exciting we have seen in hears.  After three Round 1 series went seven games, things are only going to get tighter as we enter Round 2 tonight.

All the teams that have made it this far are world class teams with world class talent. They do also have their weaknesses though.

On top of all the analyzing we do, we also have to consider the big stories heading into each game and what is at stake for the teams competing. Here are the big storylines to follow in Round 2 of the Stanley Cup Playoffs.

The Blackhawks Quest For A Repeat

Through much of the season the Chicago Blackhawks were a force to be reckoned with. However, after the Sochi Olympics they dropped a lot of games and wound up being lucky even to make in to the playoffs.

The Hawks have successfully put away the St. Louis Blues, but it took six games to do it. Now they have the Minnesota Wild to contend with. The Blackhawks are definitely a talented enough team to defeat the Wild, but winning the Stanley Cup is a different story given their recent history of dropping easy games against teams like the Nashville Predators.

If they have regained their mojo and sorted through their consistency problems the Blackhawks very well coul 

 How Will The Kings Contend With Injury?

The Los Angeles Kings are tough but are they tough enough to overcome their injury issues.

Five of the Kings top six defensive players played 75 games this season and now that two of those men, Robyn Regehr and Willie Mitchell are down with injury can the Kings overcome another very tough team, the Anaheim Ducks? 

A lot of questions how effective the Kings will be in Round 2 of the Stanley Cup playoffs.

Have The Bruins Been Slowed Down

The Boston Bruins had an awesome season and made short work of the Detroit Redwings in Round 1.  However, The Montreal Canadiens currently have the series tied and further distractions followed as many Bruins fans began to send out racist tweets geared toward Canadien player P.K. Subban.

Whether or not this distraction, or perhaps just the Candiens themselves, is enough to take the wind out of Boston’s sails remains to be seen.


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