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Can the Patriots Go 16-0?

The New England Patriots have a bye week in Week 4 of the NFL, which has NFL pundits asking the question, “Can the Patriots go 16-0 this season?”

Only three weeks have been played of the season, but New England has looked next to unstoppable. September is far from what takes place in January and especially in February, but things in New England look good for Bill Belichick and crew.
There are a number of poor teams this season in the NFL, teams that have poor offenses and poor defenses. One such team is the Jacksonville Jaguar and New England stressed that fact by embarrassing the NFL team 51-17 last Sunday.
Some people are asking if this year’s Patriots are as good as the undefeated regular season 2007 team. Taking a look at the remaining schedule might make things easier to determine if they in fact have a chance.
Here is how the season looks going forward.
Week 5 at Cowboys – Minus Romo and Dez.
Week 6 at Colts – Outscored Indy 87-27 last season; Colts are now a worse team.
Week 7 vs. Jets – Lack a strong quarterback
Week 8 vs. Dolphins – Miami lost 23-20 to Jacksonville, say no more.
Week 9 vs. Redskins – Where you able to see last week’s Thursday night debacle?
Week 10 at Giants – Like I said did you see last week’s Thursday night game?
Week 11 vs. Bills – Patriots scored 40 against the Bills. This will be on Monday night at home.
Week 12 at Broncos – A legitimate threat to give the Pats a loss as it is in Mile High Denver and weather could play a part.
Week 13 vs. Eagles – At the start of the season, this looked tough, no so much at this point.
Week 14 at Texans – Texans too one-sided. All defense, no offense.
Week 15 vs. Titans – Marcus Mariota is playing well, but he is no Tom Brady or a magician.
Week 16 at Jets – No one knows who will be the Jets QB, but does it matter?
Week 17 at Dolphins – This game could test New England, but Miami lost to Jacksonville, I take that back it will not test New England.The season is a long one, injuries, suspensions and weather will all take their toll. Officials must be mentioned as there are calls made or reversed that could change the course of a game.
However, I do not see the Pats undefeated but 15-1.

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