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Melo Or Love A Better Fit For Bulls?

With much of the focus on the NBA Playoffs, falling through the cracks is the story that is going to dominate the news cycle during the off season: where will Kevin Love and Carmelo Anthony go?

Both are joining the free agency market this summer and circling them is the Chicago Bulls. The Bulls are also an appealing choice for both Love and Anthony. The Bulls have All-Stars in two positions in Jokim Noah and Derrick Rose. They are essentially one talent away from becoming title contenders and Anthony and Love know they could be that one talent.

Both talents are similar. ‘Melo and Love are similar in both weakness and strength. They are offensive powerhouses and on defense they range from anywhere from disinterested to competent.

Tom Thibodau puts an intense focus on defense and Anthony is the better defensive player. However, Love could still be the more intriguing choice financially and Carlos Boozer is not exactly a defensive MVP and he still fits in with the Bulls well enough.

The even bigger question who will fit better playing second fiddle to Rose. Rose will be the centerpiece of the Bulls offense regardless of who comes in. Love would be the most comfortable playing a secondary role.

Another mark against Anthony is his age. While ‘Melo is still performing at a top level, Love is 25 years old and his best basketball is still yet to be played. A combination of Love, Noah and Rose would be Chicago’s big three for years to come.

Anthony is the better scorer out of the two, with the ability to put up points from all over the floor. With the Bulls primary concern on the offensive end of the court, Anthony still may be the more attractive option.

Regardless, if the Bulls pick up ‘Melo or Love either one will be an exciting addition for Bulls fans, who will be the real winners.

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