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NBA Free Agency Update: All The Dominoes Are Falling

Like a figurative stack of dominoes, LeBron James has decided to return “home” to Cleveland and the rest of the big name free agents are starting to sign.

It appear that both Chris Bosh and Dwyane Wade will remain in Miami, which means it is going to be interesting when the Heat take on the Cavs next season.

While it is not official it is being reported that Carmelo Anthony will re-sign with the New York Knicks. It seems as though the only thing that could have really lured ‘Melo away from New York was the opportunity to play with James and now that it is not an option, Anthony is going to remain in the Big Apple for the foreseeable future (five years).

That leaves the teams that ‘Melo was hot-and-heavy flirting with like the Chicago Bulls and Los Angeles Lakers a bit out of the loop.

The Bulls did not really come out of all this any worse, though. It is being reported that Pau Gasol has turned down a $10 million dollar offer from the Lakers, making it pretty obvious he has no intentions of staying in LA. The Bulls are reportedly the team that Gasol has his eye on, which gives the Bulls in Championship contention as Gasol will be joining Derrick Rose and Jokim Noah to form a “Big Three” in Chicago.

The Lakers, on the other hand, are not going to come out of free agency as major contenders. They did manage to pick up Jeremy Lin, who is inconsistent. However, he may be able to find stability under the guidance of Kobe Bryant. The safer bet would be that the Lakers are now entering a rebuild mode.

With that said, Kevin Love, the biggest free agent left on the market, is still looking for a home. He has expressed his dissatisfaction with the being in Minnesota but management still has trade control and are not going to let him go easily. The Cavs have expressed interest, but are unlikely to give up Andrew Wiggins, which is likely who the T-Wolves will ask for.

All the dominoes have yet fall but they are definitely toppling.


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