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Charles Barkley ‘Disappointed’ In Kevin Durant’s Decision To Join Warriors

Superstar Kevin Durant sent shockwaves throughout the NBA on July 4th holiday. Durant surprised everyone by deciding to leave the Oklahoma City Thunder to join the Golden State Warriors.

Over the past year or so, Durant’s pending free agency had been a hot topic of discussion. Numerous reports and rumors circulated about Durant potentially leaving the Thunder for greener pastures. No one believed the one-time NBA MVP would actually make the bold move, but he did and has formed the greatest super team in NBA history.

In the aftermath of Durant’s decision, the reactions began to pour in from current and former NBA stars. Two Hall of Famers, in particular, chimed in with their discontention in Durant’s decision to take the easy path to a championship.

Charles Barkley of Inside the NBA publicly criticized the perennial All-Star for heading to Oakland on ESPN’s Mike and Mike:

“Kevin is a terrific player, he’s a good kid. But just disappointed with the fact that he weakened another team and he’s gonna kind of gravy train on a terrific Warriors team. Just disappointed from a competitive standpoint. Because just like it meant more to LeBron to win one in Cleveland, it would mean more to Kevin to win one in Oklahoma than it would be in Golden State.”

Other notable NBA legends have come out against superstars joining forces. Michael Jordan was baffled by LeBron James’ decision to join the Miami Heat a few years back to team up with Chris Bosh and Dwyane Wade. Jordan compared the situation to his own back with the Chicago Bulls and couldn’t imagine reaching out to Magic Johnson and Larry Bird to join forces.

One thing is for sure with Durant teaming up with Stephen Curry, Klay Thompson, and Draymond Green. The game has changed. Players aren’t willing to build teams up and stay the course. It is all about going for the opportunity to win a ring as soon as possible.

Kevin Durant agreeing to sign with the Warriors to create a potentially unbeatable team for the foreseeable future may be a sign of things to come. Ultimately, it may come down to a two or three teams that are so far ahead of everyone else that parity or the attempt to create parity by the NBA is nonexistent.

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