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Suns Forward P.J. Tucker Charged With DUI—Super Extreme DUI

This week news came to light that Phoenix Suns forward P.J. Tucker was charged with a DUI in Scottsdale back on May 10. Although it wasn’t your standard run of the mill DUI, but rather a super extreme DUI, which is when someone registers a blood alcohol-content at or above .20.

In Arizona a driver is considered legally drunk at .08 blood alcohol-content, Tucker registered a .201 at the scene of his arrest where a preliminary breath test was administered. He was then taken into custody and given a blood test at the Arizona Department of Public Safety, which came back .222.

Wow. That’s some next level drunkenness.

According to the police report, the arresting officer saw Tucker roll through a stop sign in his 2011 Mercedes-Benz, which is what initially caught his eye. Then Tucker made two very wide turns while straddling two lanes on a northbound road near a popular nightlife area in downtown Scottsdale.

AZ Central reports:

Tucker had “thick and slurred” speech and “watery and bloodshot” eyes, according to the report, and the officer detected a “powerful” alcohol odor as he interviewed Tucker. Tucker told the officer that he was coming from the W Scottsdale Hotel, where he had one beer. During a walk-and-turn test, Tucker stumbled to the side and caught himself on a construction fence, the report stated.

Tucker was cited for the initial stop sign violation and charged with four counts of DUI, including the super extreme count which carries a minimum 45-day jail sentence if Tucker goes to trial and is convicted.

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