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Another Arrest Warrant Issued for Suspected Serial Rapist Darren Sharper

Don't be fooled by Darren Sharper's good looks—this man is a predator.

Don’t be fooled by Darren Sharper’s good looks—this man is a predator.

For those of you keeping a tally, former NFL safety Darren Sharper is now suspected of raping at least nine women in five different states. This after authorities in New Orleans secured arrest warrants for him and an acquaintance, Erik Nunez, in connection with two rapes in the city last September.

Ironically, Shaper and Nunez actually seem to know each other best through their work in charitable endeavors. According to a report by USA TODAY’s Brent Schrotenboer, “A Facebook page in the name of Erik Nunez features a poster advertising the appearances of Sharper and other players” at a breast cancer awareness event.

Sharper is currently suspended from his job as an analyst for the NFL Network, though an outright termination can’t be far in this alleged rapists’ future. He was first arrested on entirely unrelated rape charges in Los Angeles on January 17th.

Just last week the judge in that case raised Sharper’s bail from $200,000 to $1 million. She also ordered that he is not to be alone with any women he didn’t already know prior to October 30th, the date of the first alleged assault in LA.

The charge in New Orleans is newer, but stems from an incident that actually occurred prior to the the alleged crimes in Los Angeles. The victim tells the same story as those prior, that she met up with Sharper for drinks and passed out after consuming a beverage provided to her by him.

Per Schrotenboer:

“Court documents state that one alleged rape victim in Louisiana met Sharper at an event for Saints players the same day he sent the tweet. After the event, she accompanied Sharper to a bar and consumed a drink that Sharper gave her. Her next memory is waking up the next day with Sharper on top of her sexually assaulting her, according to the records.”

Sharper’s DNA was found on the victim during an exam following the incident. Though his attorney will inevitably argue the sex in New Orleans—and everywhere else—was consensual, it’s hard to imagine that claim carrying much water in court as charges against him continue to pile up.

As the investigation into Sharper continues, there’s a distinct possibility that even more charges from other women in other states could be on the horizon.

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