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Brian Flores Continues To Ruffle NFL Feathers

Steelers coach Brian Flores reportedly left millions of dollars on the table in order to be able to speak out.

Brian Flores mentioned the alleged NDA on Tuesday’s episode of HBO’s ‘Real Sports’. In response, a Miami Dolphins statement denied owner Steve Ross mentioned any such agreement.

“Just signing that separation agreement would have really silenced me,” Brian Flores said.

One of his attorneys, Doug Wigdor, says it’s a common tool used by team who fire coaches to ‘buy their silence’.


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“To Coach Flores’ credit, he wasn’t gonna sign that, because he wanted — it wasn’t about the money,” Wigdor said.

“If it was about the money, he would have signed it. What he did instead was he filed this lawsuit so that he could help other coaches, now … and in the future.

“If a coach is terminated with a couple years or a year left on their contract, they don’t get paid unless they sign a waiver, an NDA, confidentiality and non-disparagement. So they buy their silence.”


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“This latest assertion by Brian Flores that Steve Ross mentioned an NDA to him is categorically false,” the Miami Dolphins statement read. 

“This just did not happen and we simply cannot understand why Brian continues this pattern of making unfounded statements that he knows are untrue,” the team said. “We are fully cooperating with the NFL investigation and look forward to all of the facts coming out which we are confident will prove that his claims are false and defamatory.”

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