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NBA Continues To Fight Racial Injustice As Capitol Stormed

In these perplexing times, the political hotbed that was the NBA’s Orlando bubble seems like it happened ages ago.

With the restart of the NBA season and the third wave of Covid-19, the conversation about race has died down.

However, Wednesday’s events show that racial injustice hasn’t gone anywhere and the NBA is still dedicated to fighting against it.

On Wednesday, a violent mob of Donald Trump supporters stormed the Capitol. Their intention was to stop Congress from certifying Joe Biden’s election win.


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They only succeeded in delaying it. However it was a striking reminder of what white people can do that black people can’t. 

A day earlier in stark, stomach curdling contrast, the policeman who shot Jacob Blake was cleared of all charges by the Kenosha County District Attorney.

Washington Wizards star Bradley Beal called for patience and said that players are still going to fight.

“It’s very emotional,” Beal said. 

“It’s very disheartening in a lot of ways, because just the lack of sense of urgency there was to respond to what was going on versus protesters and Black Lives Matter over the summer. That was a direct standout from all over the world. Everybody addressed the same issue.”


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“To hear what happened in Kenosha today was a blow to the heart and to the gut,” James said following the Lakers’ 94-92 win over the Memphis Grizzlies on Tuesday night. 

“Not only to that community, but to us and to every Black person that has been a part of this process and seeing these outcomes for so long. Not only in the Black community, but in the white community as well who see moments like this happen.”

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